检索条件: BRILL ( 出版社 )
责任者 Ru Zhan
出版信息 BRILL ,2023
ISBN 978-90-04-51407-2
Disciplinary Rituals in Dunhuang Buddhism
Ru Zhan.BRILL,2023.
责任者 Christopher M,B, Nugent
ISBN 978-90-04-547797
Textual Practices of Literary Training in Medieval China : Evidence from Dunhuang Manuscript
Christopher M,B, Nugent.BRILL,2023.
责任者 Rong Xinjiang
出版信息 BRILL ,2022
ISBN 978-90-04-51258-0
The Silk Road and Cultural Exchanges between East and West
Rong Xinjiang.BRILL,2022.
责任者 Daniel Machiela
ISBN 978-90-04-51378-5
A Handbook of the Aramaic Scrolls from the Qumran Caves: Manuscripts, Language, and Scribal Practices
Daniel Machiela.BRILL,2022.
责任者 David J. Lebovitz
ISBN 978-90-04-51680-9
Treasured Oases: A Selection of Jao Tsung-I’s Dunhuang Studies
David J. Lebovitz.BRILL,2022.
责任者 Christoph Anderl
出版信息 BRILL ,2021
ISBN 978-90-04-43191-1
Chán Buddhism in Dunhuang and Beyond-A Study of Manuscripts, Texts, and Contexts in Memory of John R. McRae
Christoph Anderl.BRILL,2021.
责任者 Paul D. Buell
出版信息 BRILL ,2020
ISBN 978-90-04-43205-5
Crossroads of Cuisine : The Eurasian Heartland, the Silk Roads and Food
Paul D. Buell.BRILL,2020.
责任者 Carmen Meinert; Henrik H. Sørensen
ISBN 978-90-04-41562-1
Buddhism in Central Asia I: Patronage, Legitimation, Sacred Space, and Pilgrimage
Carmen Meinert; Henrik H. Sørensen.BRILL,2020.
责任者 Huaiyu Chen and Xinjing Rong
出版信息 BRILL ,2018
ISBN 978-90-04-36222-2
Great Journeys across the Pamir Mountains
Huaiyu Chen and Xinjing Rong.BRILL,2018.
责任者 Michelle C.Wang
ISBN 978-90-04-35765-5
Mandalas in the Making :The Visual Culture of Esoteric Buddhism at Dunhuang
Michelle C.Wang.BRILL,2018.