张成渝,张乃翥.火树入洛城:文化人类学视域下的洛阳遗产考古与丝绸之路人文交流:Luoyang heritage archaeology and cultural exchange along the Silk Road-a view from cultural anthropology.上海古籍出版社,2024.
张成渝,张乃翥.丝从东方来:隋唐洛阳城东运河两岸的胡人部落与丝绸之路的东方起点:central asian settlements along the banks of the Grand Canal in Sui-Tang Luoyang and the eastern starting point of the Silk Road.文物出版社,2022.
丝从东方来:隋唐洛阳城东运河两岸的胡人部落与丝绸之路的东方起点:central asian settlements along the banks of the Grand Canal in Sui-Tang Luoyang and the eastern starting point of the Silk Road